
Why Mouthguards Are So Important

Many of our patients are student athletes or have a sport they love. After getting braces, many of these sports-enthusiasts wonder if they’ll have to take a break from their games and practices. We’ve all heard horror stories of sports injuries, even worse witnessed one ourselves. Playing sports during orthodontic treatment is 100% possible! The best way to protect your mouth from a painful fate is to invest in a mouthguard. Mouthguards protect not only your teeth, but the soft tissue of your mouth from injury as you play. Luckily, braces will not keep you from any sport or physical activity. However, the price you pay for a beautiful smile is taking a little extra care of your mouth while in treatment. Keep reading to uncover the significant role that mouthguards play in protecting your oral health and overall well-being from Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics.


In This Post, We’ll Cover:

  • Why mouthguards are essential
  • Do Braces put you at higher risk for a sports injury?
  • What type of mouthguard should I buy?

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Can You Get Braces with Missing Teeth

For many children losing teeth is an exciting rite of passage. Another xciting rite of passage is starting orthodontic treatment. And, a question we get from parents bringing in children for s first evaluation is whether or not they can even get started with all of their missing teeth. It’s common to wonder if your child is losing teeth at the right time, or too slowly, or even too quickly. These concerns are normal, and a reason why it’s good to get your child into the orthodontist starting at age seven. Orthodontists Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics can answer all these questions and more and can start any treatment needed early enough to prevent major issues. 

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Can I Get Invisalign?

Choosing your orthodontist, and by extension, what your options are for years of orthodontic treatment and appointments, is no small feat. One of the deciding factors in this decision is which types of tooth movement your orthodontist has available. Traditional braces, self-ligating braces, or even Invisalign are all options. With so much innovation in the orthodontic field, we have lots of options to best fit any patient’s needs. Whether traditional braces or Invisalign is best for you, our team of orthodontic specialists is here to help you!


Making a Decision: Invisalign 

  • Choosing Invisalign
  • Invisalign Candidacy
  • What issues can Invisalign help with
  • Invisalign Pain

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How to Handle Orthodontic Emergencies

At some point during your treatment, something will go wrong with your braces. At home, on vacation, or running on a sports field, it can spark fear to feel your braces start to break. These orthodontic “emergencies” are actually relatively minor, even if they don’t seem that way at the moment! Your orthodontist is well equipped to reattach a wire or a bracket, or adjust a loose or poking piece of metal. But, it’s always best to be prepared. So, there are some things to do after a braces emergency to make sure your treatment continues without a hitch.


Common Orthodontic Emergencies

So what are some common orthodontic emergencies we see? Most of these incidents revolve around a part of your braces becoming loose and then subsequently painful. Some of these issues would include a displaced wire or a bracket coming loose from its bonding. These two issues are minor and can be easily fixed by your orthodontist. Sometimes when a bracket comes loose it could fall out of your mouth. This is an extreme situation, and you should try your best to keep the bracket and take it to your next orthodontic appointment. 

Another common emergency is elastics or rubber bands falling off of your braces. These are also minor issues, and as long as you aren’t in severe pain, can be dealt with easily at your next orthodontists appointment.

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How Long Do Braces Take?

“How long do braces take?” is the most common question we’re asked by patients. People want to know how long they’ll have to make room in their life for their braces – it’s understandable. Braces are hard to brush and floss around, they come with food restrictions, and they can be a source of embarrassment for teens at school or professionals in the workplace. 

Even our patients who are most excited to begin treatment inevitably cannot wait for it to end. We give each patient and their family an estimated treatment plan and timetable when they receive an evaluation. Of course, they always hope that we can somehow speed up time and make their smiles perfect as quickly as possible.

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Your Habits and Your Teeth

As we know, it’s common for young children to put anything and everything into their mouths. This curiosity about the world around them is normal, and unless it carries into later childhood, is beneficial to development. Habits like nail-biting, thumb sucking, using a pacifier excessively, and tongue thrusting as you swallow all have negative long-term effects on your oral health. What’s more, these bad oral habits can cause disease or other health problems all over the body. 


Self Soothing: Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use

Children are born with a natural sucking reflex, which is why they tend to gravitate towards thumb sucking or get attached to a pacifier as a self-soothing tool. This impulse disappears around the four-month mark, but most children keep the habit for much longer. The natural timeline for thumb suckinf or severe attachment to a pacifier is between six and seven months, or between ages two and four. This is natural, and most children end up growing out of any habitual thumb sucking or pacifier use by age four at the latest. Stopping this habit by age four is ideal, and usually results in no long-term orthodontic issues, because the habit is long gone by the time that permanent teeth begin to grow in. 

These self soothing methods are problematic for several reasons. But primarily it is an issue because the pressure applied to teeth through the continuous sucking motion can cause issues with tooth positioning and the growth of the jaw bones. This can later manifest in an open bite, buck teeth, or underdeveloped lower jaw and chin. 

Orthodontists usually recommend that children and parents work to break these habits on their own before treatment starts. If that fails, there are appliances that an orthodontist can install that make thumb sucking and self-soothing less pleasurable for the child. 

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