7 Vitamins For Great Oral Health

Vitamins for oral health Ann Arbor MI Just like your body, your teeth also require just the right amount of vitamins and minerals to maintain the great benefits of good oral health throughout your life.

At McNamara Orthodontics, our goal is to educate our patients on all aspects of health to maintain healthy teeth and gums. To make the most of your orthodontic treatment and get the end result you want in both appearance and function, be sure to eat healthy foods during treatment. This includes foods rich in the following vitamins and minerals and not hard or sticky which can damage your braces and wires:

Typically found in milk, cheese, yogurt and other foods, calcium keeps bones, like your jaw, strong and builds strong teeth to protect them from decaying and to protect your gums from disease.

What do leafy greens, fish, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and dark chocolate have in common? They all contain magnesium. Magnesium aids in the formation of your jaw, teeth, and gum tissue.

When the body has good levels of iron, it is able to better prevent mouth sores and inflammation. Foods like bran cereals, red meat, spices and some nuts are all great sources of magnesium.

Vitamin A
Is your mouth producing enough saliva? You may need to add more vitamin A to your diet. Vitamin A is responsible for helping the body maintain healthy tissues and mucous membrane in the mouth. Eating foods like spinach, melon, sweet potatoes and more could help you produce the saliva your body needs.

Vitamin C
Wounds and cold sores that occur inside of the mouth can sometimes be difficult to treat. Feeding your body an adequate amount of Vitamin C helps prevent inflammation and bleeding within your mouth. To make sure your body is getting enough vitamin C, add foods like sweet potatoes, red peppers, and oranges to your eating habits.

Vitamin D
While it is great to feed your body calcium, vitamin D helps the body absorb vitamin C and strengthen your bone mineral density. The best way to get vitamin D is to step outside in the sun. If the sun is out of your reach, try eating foods like fish, milk and egg yolks.

Similar to vitamin D, potassium also helps with bone density. It also partners with magnesium to stop your blood from becoming too acidic. Too much acid in your blood can reduce the body’s ability to maintain calcium levels. Did you know bananas are the most popular for the potassium-rich foods? It can also be found in lima beans, avocados, prunes, and tomatoes.

If you have questions about whether you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need during orthodontic treatment, please feel free to ask our doctors or one of our team members. Or, if you or someone you know is considering improving your smile with braces, contact our Ann Arbor MI office to schedule your complimentary consultation. The smile you’ve always wanted is only a phone call away.