How Affective Is a WaterPix When Wearing Braces?

Water PickGood dental care with routine maintenance can be costly, especially if you donโ€™t have dental insurance. The American Dental Association (ADA) and the Doctors at McNamara Orthodontics recommend you see your dentist twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings.

If you take good care of your teeth on a regular basis with proper brushing and flossing, the cost of maintaining your teeth is minimal. (watch video below) However, if your oral hygiene is lax, the cost of dental care rises, depending upon what it needed to correct the situation, be it a routine filling, root canal, or implant and bridge to replace a lost tooth.

Dental care expenses can mount up quickly in a family, especially with a member of the family in orthodontic treatment. The best assurance for good dental health has always been and still is regular brushing and flossing. Flossing is something that many of us do not do nearly as often as we should and some probably do not do it at all. If it is difficult to get adults to floss regularly, the battle parents have getting their kids to do it, especially if they have to weave the dental between teeth and wires while wearing braces, is even harder.

Some consider using a WaterPix, whether in orthodontic treatment or not, a substitute for flossing to flush out food between teeth. The WaterPik is sometimes considered simpler and faster to use than dental floss, but the question is does it work as well to keep teeth clean rather than regular flossing?

While using a water pick can seem much easier to maneuver in the mouth than dental floss, it actually doesnโ€™t do the job as well. The water canโ€™t penetrate as well between teeth that tightly fit together or are crowded, which prevents proper removal of food and plaque which causes gum disease and decay.

So, the answer to the questionโ€ฆ Is a Waterpik as effective in removing food and particles from between teeth and around the gum line as good as dental flossing? The answer is no.

However, it is a great way to remove large pieces of food from between the teeth, especially while wearing braces. At McNamara Orthodontics, we want to stress the importance of both brushing and flossing during treatment to maintain good dental health. If you want to use a Waterpik, thatโ€™s great, just donโ€™t use it as a substitute for flossing.

Watch this video below on what can happen if you donโ€™t brush and floss your teeth properly and learn how to properly floss between teeth while wearing braces.

After watching this video, how important do you think it is to take care of your teeth properly during orthodontic treatment? Please comment below.