Keep Your Teeth Safe This Halloween with These Simple Tips

Halloween is a fun time filled with candy, but it’s important to take care of your teeth while enjoying the festivities. Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey at McNamara Orthodontics has put together some simple tips to help you enjoy your treats and protect your smile during the holiday.

  1. Time It Right
    Eating candy during or right after meals is the best time to indulge. This is when your mouth produces more saliva, which helps wash away sugar and neutralizes the acids that cause cavities.

  2. Be Selective with Candy
    Hard candies and sweets that linger in your mouth are more likely to lead to tooth decay. Try to stick to treats that don’t take a long time to eat.

  3. Cut Back on Snacks
    Eating candy throughout the day can raise your risk of cavities. Instead, set specific times to enjoy your Halloween stash and limit it to a couple of pieces per day.

  4. Beware of Sticky Treats
    Sticky candies cling to your teeth and take longer to get washed away by saliva. The longer these foods stay on your teeth, the greater your risk for tooth decay. Be sure to brush your teeth immediately following consumption.

  5. Share the Extras
    Instead of keeping all your Halloween candy, set aside a small amount to enjoy and consider donating the rest. Many local dental offices or organizations like Operation Gratitude collect candy to share with others, such as sending it to troops overseas.

Following these tips will help keep your teeth strong and healthy while still allowing you to enjoy Halloween!