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Caring for Your Childrens’ Teeth is Important

  They are known by many names: baby teeth, milk teeth, temporary teeth, deciduous teeth, or primary teeth. Whatever name you prefer, the first set of teeth that erupt is just as important as the permanent teeth and maintaining good oral health from the beginning is critical to a childโ€™s long term dental health throughout life.


Orthodontic Splints

Dental or Orthodontic Splints are devices that are used when patients suffer from certain types of dental problems. These problems include TMJ or TemporoMandibular Joint disorder, common snoring, sleep apnea, and teeth grinding (bruxism). In orthodontics, a โ€œsplintโ€ is designed to fit on top of the upper or lower teeth. Treatment varies based on each patientโ€™s individualize needs


Faith Hill Proudly Displays Her Braces at the Grammy Awards

Faith Hill proudly displayed her new smile with ceramic braces at the 2013 Grammy Awards. They weren’t noticeable on TV but the photographers were able to clearly capture her tooth-colored braces that she has been wearing for about seven months. She first mentioned the fact she was undergoing orthodontic treatment in Nov 2012 in an interview with country


Straight Scoop on Whitening Teeth โ€“ What you Need to Know

Orthodontist Dr. James McNamara and Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey know that teeth whitening kits are available everywhere today; online, over the counter, and from your dentist. Studies report that bleaching or whitening products can improve the color of teeth that stain over time. But before you decide to embark on a whitening program, McNamara Orthodontics would like to


The Truth About Sugar โ€“ Are Your Ready to Take a Stand?

Orthodontists at McNamara Orthodontics know that the consumption of sugar will always be an issue for dental professionals, medical professionals, nutritionists, and health buffs everywhere. As long as sugar remains a large part of the American diet, we will continue to hear about all the negative effects sugar can have on the body. But do we listen? At


Guess How Much Money Is In The Jar

The closest guess will win all of the money inside of the jar!!! Want to play?ย  During your next visit to the McNamara Orthodontics office, ask a member our staff to see the money jar.


Traveling with Invisalign โ€“ Are You Prepared?

At McNamara Orthodontics, some teens and adults opt for Invisalign, the โ€œbracelessโ€ alternative to traditional braces to straighten teeth. What would you do if something happened to your Invisalign aligners while you were out of town? What if an aligner breaks, is left behind at a restaurant while eating, or you lost your purse or luggage with your