Our Blog

Braces and Nail Biting โ€“ Does Orthodontics Break the Habit?

Some parents at McNamara Orthodontics ask if stopping a childโ€™s nail biting habit is another positive effect of orthodontic treatment. Since nail biting can be harmful to braces by breaking brackets and bending wires that delays treatment, Dr. James McNamara and Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey feel that finding ways to curtail the habit is in our patientโ€™s best


Handling Out of Town Emergencies…

It is almost that time of year again…summer vacation. We know that we have posted this blog before but we also feel that it serves as a valuable reminder about what to do when you have an orthodontic emergency home or away on vacation. The video contains good information all patients and parents should know. Here is the


Should Parents Worry if Baby Teeth Arenโ€™t Falling Out?

When parents visit McNamara Orthodontics, it is not uncommon for parents to worry if their childโ€™s baby teeth do not fall out on time. Infants rollover, sit, walk, and talk at different stages of their development. The same is true when your child is losing baby teeth. There are some developmental issues which require professional attention, but in


Beware of Sports Drinks – They Can Damage Your Teeth…

Lollipops are a cavity on a stick and soda is pure sugar in a can. Candy and soda cause tooth decay. Youโ€™ve been taught this since grade school. This is not news, is it? Well, what about the fact that sports drinks ruin your teeth, too? Heard that one before? Dr. James McNamara, Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and


Five Tips for Cleaning Braces in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti MI

At McNamara Orthodontics, we donโ€™t have to tell you that keeping your teeth clean during treatment is very important. Braces have a habit of collecting additional food while eating that can cause a multitude of problems if not cared for correctly. So you don’t offend others with unsightly food caught on your braces, or to avoid bad breath,


Averting a Plaque Attack…

Gum disease can become a big problem for people as they grow older. Luckily, it doesnโ€™t just happen by accident, and if you know a little about what causes it, youโ€™ll be better able to avoid it in the long run. As unpleasant as it may be to think about, our mouths arenโ€™t the cleanest places in the