
What is Causing Your Canker Sores?

These sores are small ulcers that can pop up in your mouth and on the inside of your lips and take days to heal. While they are not serious, they can be pesky and annoying. If you can find out what causes them, they can be easier to prevent! Keep reading for some advice from Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics about what causes canker sores.

Well, the unfortunate news is that braces can contribute to them. This mainly happens in patients that are already prone to canker sores. They may experience an increase in sores because your mouth is adjusting to a big change when beginning orthodontic treatment. Braces can irritate oral tissue, which leaves it vulnerable to little lesions such as these sores.

Luckily, avoiding possible triggers and practicing good oral hygiene can help you to avoid or lessen the instances of canker sores.

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Do I Really Need to Wear My Elastics?

One part of orthodontic treatment that doesn’t attract a lot of fans are elastics, also known as rubber bands. These are a very normal part of orthodontic treatment, but are known to cause some discomfort or be a nuisance for some people. However, elastics are a crucial part of orthodontic treatment, and it is imperative that you wear them so that your treatment can be completed timely and correctly. The elastics are supposed to be worn approximately 20-22 hours a day and should only be removed to eat and then to brush and floss their teeth. Additionally, elastics should be changed out for new ones about three times a day. Keep reading for some advice from Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics about why elastics are important.

Elastics allow for the jaw and bite alignment to occur. But they are also the patient’s responsibility, and if the patient does not choose to wear them as directed, it may prolong treatment or affect the final result. Before leaving the office, the patient needs to make sure they understand where and when to wear their rubber bands.

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4 Tips to Keep Your Smile Healthy & Shining Bright

The health of your body is very crucial to your well being and quality of life. Your teeth and mouth are a part of that too! It is important that your teeth and mouth are well nourished and taken care of to keep your smile healthy and shining bright. Luckily, there are many easy ways to help prioritize the health of your mouth and teeth with minimal effort. Here are some tips for keeping the beautiful and healthy smile you deserve from Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics!


Brush and floss 

The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled brush and flossing daily in between teeth to keep plaque at bay. Flossing, while boring and annoying, is pertinent to teeth health. Did you know not flossing is linked to heart disease? YIKES!

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Tooth Contouring and Reshaping

Have you wondered about tooth contouring and reshaping? You need to first make sure that you know what it’s all about to see if it is the right decision for you. Teeth reshaping is one of the most convenient and cost-effective options for fixing chipped, uneven, or poorly-aligned teeth to create a more attractive smile. Dentists may combine shaping or contouring teeth with a treatment called bonding. Bonding involves applying resin to improve the overall appearance of the teeth. The best teeth to perform this kind of procedure on are typically the front teeth. For more advice about tooth contouring and reshaping from Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics, keep reading.

Tooth reshaping removes small amounts of tooth enamel in order to change the shape, length, or surface of one or more teeth. This cosmetic dentistry technique is usually used to correct crooked, chipped, cracked, or even overlapping teeth. Sometimes this procedure is even a substitute for braces.

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A Few Tips to Ease Soreness After Braces Tightening

Experiencing a little soreness after your braces have been tightened is not uncommon. While each person’s mouth is different, fortunately, most only feel a mild, achy pressure that will subside within a day or two. Moreover, as you are in braces longer, the quicker your discomfort will resolve itself after each tightening. No need to fret though, there are several things that you can do to help if your mouth is feeling at all sore. Here is some advice from Dr. Laurie McNamara McClatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics that can help ease your discomfort:

Stick to Soft Foods

Soft foods like mashed potatoes and applesauce are great options when you are experiencing any mouth discomfort. When you initially get your braces, soft foods are a great option for the first couple of days. Then, on each day that you go in for a tightening, it is smart to stick to a soft food diet.

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How to Prepare for Your Next Dental Visit

You should be seeing your dentist at least twice a year as part of your oral health maintenance. Although it can be challenging to find time for an appointment with busy schedules, these appointments are crucial to having your best and healthiest smile. Once you have your appointment, here is a list of things you should do before you go to your appointment from Dr. Laurie McNamara Mcclatchey and Dr. James A. McNamara at McNamara Orthodontics.

You should see your dentist twice a year for check-ups. It is important that you have the necessary items for your appointment and also make a list of any questions or concerns you may have to make the most of your appointment time. Read below about how best to prepare for your dental visit.

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